How to convince your friends to play Coin Master with you?

In this short article, we’ll share you three reasons to convince your friends to play Coin Master with you, and these tips will also be very useful for you to take full advantage of Coin Master!


Tip 1: Coin Master is an entertaining game


The first reason you can give to your friends is about your own use of Coin Master. If you play this mobile game regularly, there is a reason: this game is entertaining because:


Every day you can follow your progress in Coin Master and thus evolve


You can compare yourself to your Facebook friends and see who is ahead of the other on the leaderboard


You can attack or on the contrary play with your friends which can both create rivalry but also mutual aid


Nothing better than seeing someone try to attack you while you have a shield on your village or even better the Rhinoceros pet


Tip 2: Inviting friends will earn you spins


This is certainly the reason that should hold your attention the most. Did you know that by inviting your friends to play Coin Master, you will earn 150 free spins for each person you refer to Coin Master? To do this, you just need to follow this method:


Click on the menu at the top right of Coin Master with the 3 lines

How to, Convince Friends, Tips, Play, Coin Master

Click on the Invite logo


Send invitations either via the copy / paste link or via Messenger


Tip 3: You will be able to taunt your friends

Coin Master is one of those games where if you have a big lead, you are going to keep it for a very long time. In other mobile games, if your friends are better in their abilities or skills, they may overtake you.


There you can rest easy if you have reached a certain number of stars. So enjoy it and taunt them. And above all, don't forget that thanks to them. 
