CoD Warzone, Vanguard: how to unlock ACOG, similar Scope?


Many players familiar with older Call of Duty titles have fond memories of the ACOG scope. If you're looking for an ACOG in Warzone, Vanguard, or even Modern Warfare II or III, you might be confused. The term "ACOG" itself isn't used in these newer games due to licensing issues. However, you can find scopes that offer a similar experience.

What is an ACOG-style scope?

The ACOG (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight) is a real-world optic known for its fixed magnification (typically 4x) and clear sight picture. In Call of Duty terms, players often associate it with a medium-range optic suitable for accurate engagements at moderate distances.

Finding ACOG Equivalents in-Game:

While you won't see "ACOG" listed as an attachment, you can find scopes with similar characteristics. Look for optics with magnifications in the 2.5x to 4x range. These scopes offer a comparable field of view and zoom level to the classic ACOG.

  • Examples of similar optics: In older titles like Warzone and Vanguard, the VLK 3.0x Optic and the G16 2.5x Optic offered a similar experience. In Modern Warfare II and III, there are various optics in this magnification range. Pay attention to stats like zoom level, ADS speed, and any additional effects (like thermal or night vision) to find the best fit for your playstyle.

Challenges and "ACOG" Requirements:

Some older challenges might have mistakenly referenced "ACOG" optics. If you encounter a challenge requiring "ACOG kills" or similar, it almost certainly means getting kills while Aiming Down Sights (ADS) with a medium-range optic (2.5x-4x magnification).

What is ADS?

ADS stands for Aiming Down Sights. It refers to the action of looking through your weapon's sights (or scope), which improves accuracy but typically slows movement. Therefore, "ADS kills" simply mean kills you get while aiming down the sights.

In summary: While the specific term "ACOG" isn't used in recent Call of Duty games, you can easily find comparable optics. Focus on scopes with magnifications between 2.5x and 4x to achieve a similar feel and functionality. If you see challenges related to "ACOG" optics, remember they are likely referring to medium-range scopes and ADS kills.

