How to get a melee weapon in Fortnite S4 C3?

Fortnite offers you many weapons including melee weapons. In this short guide, we’ll show you how to one.


Melee weapons in Fortnite are sometimes useful for you to kill enemies in close combat and carry out challenges easily. If you are wondering where to get melee weapons well, the task is not too difficult since your pickaxe is considered to be a melee weapon. However, the pickaxe is not the only melee weapon you get in Fortnite and here is a list of old weapons that falls into melee category:


Infinity Blade, a mythic sword available during Season 7

Sideways Scythe

Darth Vader's Lightsaber that was available in Chapter 3 Season 3


Wolverine's Claws

She-Hulk Fists


How To Get, Melee Weapon, Fortnite Season 4, Chapter 3

Of course, melee weapons are released regularly on a temporary basis and it should be possible to get Luke Skywalker's lightsaber.
