Overwatch 2: Heroes Unlock Order (new user) - free to play

If you are new to Overwatch 2, then heroes are unlocked by completing games, from 9 game wins count double. If you win every game, you'll have all heroes available after 75 games.


The two heroes that were added at the start of Overwatch 2 are available for you right from the start.


You have these heroes at the beginning:


Junker Queen - Tank

Orisa - Tank

Reinhardt - Tank

Winston - Tank

Zarya - Tank

Pharah - Damage

Reaper - Damage

Sojourn - Damage

Soldier 76 - Damage

Torbjorn - Damage

Tracer - Damage

Widowmaker - Damage

Lucio - Support hero

Mercy - Supporter

Moira - Supporter


Overwatch 2, Heroes, Unlock Order, New User, Free To Play

You can unlock the remaining heroes in the following order:


Genji - Damage - 1 Game

D.Va - Tank - 2 Games

Cassidy - Damage - 3 Games

Ana - Support - 4 Games

Hanzo - Damage - 9 Games (wins count double)

Junkrat - Damage - 12 games (wins count double)

Roadhog - Tank - 15 Games (wins count double)

Symmetra - Damage - 20 Games (wins count double)

Zenyatta - Support - 25 Games (wins count double)

Bastion - Damage - 30 Games (wins count double)

Sigma - Tank - 40 Games (wins count double)

Ashe - Damage - 50 Games (wins count double)

Bridget - support - 60 Games (wins count double)

Mei - Damage - 70 Games (wins count double)

Doom Fist - Tank - 85 Games (wins count double)

Baptiste - Support - 100 Games (wins count double)

Sombra - Damage - 115 Games (wins count double)

wrecking Ball - Tank - 130 Games (wins count double)

Echo - Damage - 150 - Games (wins count double)
