MW2: how to change Name, Color in multiplayer

In Modern Warfare 2 MW2 multiplayer, you have the option to change your display name to match it with your PSN ID or Xbox gamertag. In this short guide, we’ll show you how to change the user name and the color of it.


In Modern Warfare 2 MW2 multiplayer, you have the option to change your display name to match it with your PSN ID or Xbox gamertag. In this short guide, we’ll show you how to change the user name and the color of it.


To change your display name, follow these steps:


Starts Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.


Open the options and navigate to the settings (gear).


Switch to the "Account & Network" tab .


Now select "Activision Account" and click on it.


In the menu that follows, click on "Change display name".


Now you can enter your new display name and you only have to confirm it.


Note: If you have changed your name, you will need to exit and restart the game for the name change to take effect.

MW2, How To, Change Color Name, Multiplayer

Change the Color of your name


Note: In order to be able to change the color of your name on your console, you must connect a mouse and a keyboard! Use the mouse to navigate to your rank in the top right corner and then select 'Edit clan tag'. Then use the keyboard to type in one of the codes listed below.


Start CoD MW 2.

Open the options and navigate to your rank in the top right and then to "Edit Clantag".

Now you have to enter the respective code to color your name. We list all combinations for you:

^0 = black

^1 = red

^2 = green

^3 = yellow

^4 = blue

^5 = light blue

^6 = pink

^7 = white

^8 = dark blue

^9 = dark red

Period (.) = light green

Apostrophe (') = Gray

Star (*) = Purple

Percent sign (%) = mint green

Plus (+) = orange

Minus (-) = Faded or Sky Blue

Semicolon (;) = Navy Blue 
