Pokémon: how to get eggs easily in Scarlet and Violet?

In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, breeding has undergone some changes compared to earlier games in the series. Gone are the days of Day Cares or Nursery Centers; instead, breeding is done through the Picnic feature. This system is simple yet requires a bit of strategy to maximize your chances of getting Eggs. In this updated guide, we'll walk you through how to breed Pokémon effectively and how to easily get Eggs to hatch in Scarlet and Violet.

How Breeding Works in Scarlet and Violet?

In these games, breeding is done via Picnics. You'll need to set up a picnic with two Pokémon that are compatible for breeding. These Pokémon need to be in your party, and the key is to ensure that they can breed together—either two Pokémon of opposite genders within the same Egg Group or a male Pokémon and a female Pokémon with a matching Pokémon species.

While this system might seem straightforward, there are several ways you can boost your chances of getting Eggs, especially when you're aiming to breed rare or specific Pokémon. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to breed Pokémon and increase your chances of getting Eggs quickly.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Get Eggs Easily in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

1. Choose Compatible Pokémon

To start breeding, you need to select two compatible Pokémon. Compatibility can be broken down into:

  • Same Egg Group: The Pokémon must be in the same Egg Group (e.g., Monster, Field, Water 1, etc.) or be a Pokémon that can breed with a Ditto.
  • Opposite Gender: Typically, you'll need one male and one female Pokémon, although there are exceptions. For instance, genderless Pokémon like Legendary Pokémon or certain ones like Magnemite require a Ditto for breeding.

If you're trying to breed a specific Pokémon, such as a shiny or one with perfect IVs, you'll need to ensure your Pokémon are ready for breeding. Having a female Pokémon with the desired nature or a male with a specific move you want to pass down is essential.

2. Catch a Ditto (if Needed)

If you're breeding Pokémon that are not compatible by gender (like a female and a male of different species), you’ll need to catch a Ditto. Ditto is a versatile Pokémon because it can breed with any Pokémon that is not another Ditto. You can catch Ditto in various locations across Scarlet and Violet, with one common spot being near West Medali.

  • Ditto Locations: West Medali (near the central area of the Paldea region) is a known area to find Ditto. Look for a Ditto in its transformed state, as it will disguise itself as another random Pokémon.
  • Note: If you don’t already have a Ditto, it’s worth catching several to maximize your breeding options.

3. Increase Breeding Chances: Use the "Egg Power" Bonus

Now that you have your compatible Pokémon, you’ll want to maximize the chances of breeding by using an in-game feature known as Egg Power.

Egg Power is a bonus that boosts the likelihood of Eggs being produced when you set up a picnic. To activate this power, you’ll need to order specific dishes at the restaurant in Medali:

  • Egg Power Level 2: This is the most effective bonus, and it increases your chances of getting Eggs significantly. You can obtain this bonus by ordering certain dishes at the restaurant, such as the "Tortilla" dish. Look for the Egg Power icon in the restaurant's menu and make sure you order a dish that provides the boost.

Once you have Egg Power Level 2 activated, the chances of getting an Egg at your picnic will be much higher.

4. Set Up a Picnic and Wait

With your two compatible Pokémon and Egg Power activated, it’s time to head to a picnic spot. Here's how to proceed:

  • Find a Picnic Spot: Set up your picnic in a relatively flat area outside of town. Ideal spots are typically open fields, but you can try near towns like Medali, Levincia, or Artazon. Flat terrain is better because the game checks for breeding chances while you’re waiting at the picnic.
  • Place Pokémon in Your Party: Put the Pokémon you want to breed and the Ditto (or the other compatible Pokémon) in your party.
  • Wait for the Egg: After a few minutes of setting up your picnic, the Pokémon will produce an Egg, which will appear in your picnic basket. You can keep checking the basket periodically, and if you see an Egg, it’s time to collect it!

5. Repeat the Process

Pokémon, How To, Get Eggs, Scarlet and Violet
After you’ve obtained an Egg, you can repeat the process to get more Eggs. However, you don’t have to keep resetting the picnic spot entirely. Simply changing the position of your Pokémon, or leaving the picnic and coming back, can trigger the breeding process again.

Make sure to keep an eye on your picnic basket, as Eggs will appear randomly after a few minutes. The more time you spend with the picnic active, the more chances you’ll have to collect Eggs.

6. Hatch the Eggs

Once you’ve accumulated a few Eggs, it’s time to hatch them! You can easily hatch Eggs by riding your bike or simply walking around the open world. Each Egg has a specific number of steps it requires to hatch, and you can monitor the progress by checking the Eggs in your bag. When an Egg hatches, you'll have a new Pokémon ready to go!

Additional Tips for Faster Egg Collection

  • Maximize Egg Power: Don’t forget to reapply Egg Power when it expires. If you’re really focused on breeding and need a lot of Eggs quickly, this boost is invaluable.
  • Use the Picnic Timer: You can use the in-game time of day to your advantage. Some players recommend timing the picnics so that you can breed in cycles—start one picnic, get an Egg, then immediately set up another while hatching the first one.
  • Shiny Hunting: If you're hunting for shiny Pokémon, using the "Shiny Charm" (after completing the Pokédex) can increase the chances of hatching a shiny Pokémon from an Egg. Combining this with the Masuda Method (breeding two Pokémon from different language games) can significantly boost your odds of getting a shiny.


Breeding in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet may have a different approach compared to previous games, but it's still a fun and rewarding mechanic. By understanding how the Picnic feature works and using bonuses like Egg Power, you can increase your chances of getting Eggs quickly and efficiently. Catching a Ditto for versatility and making use of compatible Pokémon is key, and remember to be patient—breeding may take some time, but with the right setup, you can quickly get your desired Pokémon or prepare for shiny hunting.

With these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating the perfect Pokémon family in Scarlet and Violet!
