Hogwarts Legacy: all Rewards in The Hall of Herodiana

In Hogwarts Legacy, side quests are a great way to explore the world of magic beyond the main storyline. One such quest, The Hall of Herodiana, offers a mix of mystery, puzzles, and rewards. This guide will walk you through the Hall of Herodiana, explaining how to complete the quest and the rewards you can expect to unlock.

Starting the Hall of Herodiana Quest

To begin your adventure in The Hall of Herodiana, head to Hogwarts and meet Sophronia Franklin, a student who will give you the quest. Once you accept it, the journey begins!

Locating the entrance to the Hall should be easy, as it’s marked on your minimap. Upon arrival, you’ll face a magical barrier blocking your way in. To unlock the door, use the Depulso spell, which will open the path to the chambers beyond.

Solving the Puzzles in the Secret Chambers

Once inside the Hall of Herodiana, you’ll find yourself in a series of secret chambers. These chambers are full of puzzles, requiring you to use your magic creatively. The main spells you’ll need are Depulso and Accio. These will help you move and manipulate blocks to connect pathways and advance through each chamber.

  • Depulso will push blocks into place, while
  • Accio will pull them towards you.

Each puzzle gets progressively more challenging, but with a little patience and strategy, you’ll be able to solve them all and move to the next room.

The Rewards

Hogwarts Legacy, All Rewards, Hall of Herodiana, Secret Chamber Quests
As you make your way through the chambers, you’ll unlock special rewards after completing each one. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

  1. First Chamber Reward: Herodiana's Cape
    After completing the first room, you’ll be rewarded with the Herodiana's Cape. This is a stylish and magical garment that will enhance your character’s appearance. Don’t forget to check your Collection, where it will be added.

  2. Second Chamber Reward: Herodiana's Attire
    Completing the second chamber rewards you with Herodiana's Attire, another magical piece of clothing that adds both function and style to your wardrobe. You’ll gain access to the item in your Collection as well.

  3. Third Chamber Reward: Herodiana's Cap
    Finally, after solving the puzzles in the third and last chamber, you’ll earn the Herodiana's Cap. This completes the set of Herodiana’s clothing, and like the previous rewards, it will be added to your Collection.

Completing the Quest

Once you’ve obtained all three items, it’s time to return to Sophronia Franklin. Handing in the completed quest will reward you with additional experience points (XP), which will help you level up and unlock new skills.

Final Thoughts

The Hall of Herodiana is a fun and rewarding side quest that adds both challenge and excitement to your Hogwarts Legacy experience. With its unique puzzles and exclusive rewards, it's a must-do for any completionist or player looking to expand their magical wardrobe. So, grab your wand, solve the puzzles, and enjoy the rewards!
