The horror and survival are intense in Sons of the Forest, but sometimes the toughest challenge isn't just surviving—it's losing your companions. Kelvin and Virginia, your loyal NPC helpers, can become crucial allies as you navigate the island’s dangers. But what happens when they die? Unfortunately, the game doesn't offer a way to bring them back... until now.
If you’ve found yourself in a situation where both Kelvin and Virginia meet their untimely deaths, don’t despair. You can bring them back to life with a simple trick. Yes, you read that correctly: a trick to resurrect your companions using some basic file editing!
What You’ll Need:
- GameStateSaveData.json
- SaveData.json
- A text editor (Windows Notepad or Notepad++)
Before you dive in, it's important to back up your save files. This is a modifiable part of the game, and we want to make sure you don’t lose any other progress while you're experimenting. Once you're all set, follow the steps below to bring Kelvin and Virginia back from the dead.
Step 1: Find Your Save Files
Your save files are located on your computer in the following path:
Once you're there, look for a folder with what seems like random numbers. These numbers represent your Steam account. Within this folder, you’ll find additional folders for Singleplayer or Multiplayer, depending on how you're playing.
Step 2: Backup Your Files
Before proceeding, create a backup of two files: GameStateSaveData.json and SaveData.json. Simply copy them to another folder on your computer to ensure you don’t lose any important data if something goes wrong.
Step 3: Edit GameStateSaveData.json
Open GameStateSaveData.json in your text editor.
Press Ctrl + F and search for:
- IsRobbyDead (for Kelvin) or
- IsVirginiaDead (for Virginia).
If the value is set to true, change it to false. This will make the game believe that Kelvin or Virginia is no longer dead.
Save the file.
Step 4: Edit SaveData.json
Open SaveData.json in your text editor.
Again, use Ctrl + F to search for:
- TypeId:9 (for Kelvin) or
- TypeId:10 (for Virginia).
In the same line, you’ll see values for State and Health.
Change the State to 2 (which means alive) and set the Health to 100.0 (fully healed).
Save the file.
Step 5: Fix Virginia’s Disappearance (if Needed)
Reports from players suggest that when Virginia dies, her entries disappear from the save file entirely. If that happens, don’t panic! Simply:
- Copy the lines associated with Kelvin (from the previous step) and paste them into the same spot in SaveData.json.
- Change the details to match Virginia (such as changing TypeId:9 to TypeId:10).
Step 6: Set PlayerKilled to 0
Finally, you’ll need to ensure there are no lingering errors when you try to respawn your companions. Find the entry for PlayerKilled and set it to 0. This will remove any issues that could prevent Kelvin and Virginia from respawning correctly.
Step 7: Enjoy Your Reunited Team!
Once all the changes are made, save your files and load up Sons of the Forest. You should now see Kelvin and Virginia walking around, alive and well!
By following these simple steps, you can defy the game’s mechanics and bring your favorite companions back into the fold. Whether it's for the added support, or just to have a friend along for the journey, now you don’t have to face the island alone!
Just remember, these changes modify the game’s save files, so proceed with caution and always keep backups!
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