Armored Core VI AC6: how to recharge, increase EN Energy?

Armored Core VI (AC6): Fires of Rubicon is finally available to play. After nearly a decade long wait, fans of the franchise finally have a new Armored Core game to jump into.


In this article, we’ll show you how to recharge or increase Energy (EN) in Armored Core 6.  


It is important to always keep an eye on your EN and it basically works the same as stamina in most games.


If your energy runs out in the middle of a battle, it will be really bad for you because you won't be able to dodge any more, you'll probably stagger rapidly, and you'll suffer a ton of damage. In Armored Core, you must continuously move. Keep an eye on your Energy at all times, and try to avoid letting it runs out completely.

Armored Core VI, AC6, How To Recharge, Increase, Boost, EN Energy

Even though you'll want to try engaging in a lot of aerial battle in this game, you'll need to stay on the ground in order to fast restore your energy after dodging a number of various strikes. Therefore, the fastest way to recover your energy is to immediately drop to the ground. Stop holding L3 forward, stop boosting, and simply take all of your fingers off of all of the buttons. Once your Armored Core hits the ground, your energy will almost instantly replenish. 

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