The Wolf Among Us: Sheep's Clothing is the fourth episode of the game inspired by the comic series Fable, released by DC Comics, which hits consoles and PCs at the hands of Telltale also responsible for hits like The Walking Dead and Tales of Monkey Island. Check out the full review below:
Near the end
Following the trail of success of the first three episodes of the series, Sheep's Clothing logo shows in his first minute final stretch of the game, which will have a total of five chapters.
With the story of Bigby, the Big Bad Wolf, but increasingly tapered, the fourth episode is more focused on the way the plot to its outcome, addressing small details and dramas of history, and setting the stage for a sweeping end.
Backed by solid n'click system point of Telltale, the episode takes the protagonist for different scenarios, and introduces new characters. This is also the first time in the series where the choices made by the player earlier appear explicitly, affecting the trajectory of the plot.
More talk, less 'crap'
Scenes of exploitation are prevalent, making it necessary to analyze objects or seek specific items lost amid stuffed scenarios points of interest.
The battles, though shorter and fewer applicants also appear in the fourth episode. The action scenes do their part to accelerate the pace and scoring long conversations or quieter passages.
Despite the impeccable quality of the narrative, as seen in previous episodes, it's impossible not to miss the most relevant and shocking events that flooded other parts.
Leaving the best for last
It is not difficult to repair all major revelations were left to the last episode. This decision makes the fourth part is relegated to a simple bridge, where few crucial events happened.
The lack of events also seems to have affected the duration, which is the lowest among all the episodes. Sheep's Clothing lasts no more than an hour, far less than the previous parts, which came twice.
Even with the problems of duration and lack of major events, it is striking to note how the game manages the plot to keep the player interested. The bond created with the characters, seems in itself enough to feed the curiosity of those who passed the previous episodes, and waits for the grand finale.
Even hits, same mistakes
The visual part of the game, both for good and for evil, remains the same as the previous parts. HQ style graphics make up a gloomy New York, but surprisingly alive.
The arrival of new characters is also further proof of taste, with interesting and well executed characters from fairy tales embedded in a history of mood so heavy and dark versions.
The problems with choking and falls in the rate of frames per second still present at different times of the game. The crashes are so serious that several times give the impression that the game will close.
The audio is still flawless, with beautiful performances of the voice actors, so when the protagonist for secondary characters. The neat dubbing is completed by ambient sound, sound effects and track quality, which play an important role in the constitution of the atmosphere of the game.
The Wolf Among Us Episode 4: Sheep's Clothing does not have the creepiest moments in previous episodes, but it has an important role in preparing the ground for the long-awaited end of the series. Maintaining high visual and sound and with clever touches that have become the signature of the standard game, it is obligatory to all who have played the previous parts.
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