Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark brings the third set of robots that transform this generation of video games, blending two universes in a new adventure. This is a solid action game, as well as others in the series, but with a weak story and a technical part without any polishing. Check out our review below:
Spark of Inconsistency
The story focuses on Dark Spark, a dark spark that would be a kind of opposite to the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. With the power to create cracks between universes, Dark Spark visits two versions of Transformers. On one hand, the version of the video game War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron , which are closer to the drawings and comics, and the other version of the feature films that are retellings with greater freedom.
This transition however is not done in an interesting way, but incoherent. In a few moments you will play with the Autobots and Decepticons on Cybertron video games and other movies with the Autobots on Earth, simply playing the artifact from one dimension to another on an intergalactic game of hot potato.
The villain is not even the traditional Megatron, but the Lockdown mercenary, who can obtain the artifact and curl the Autobots throughout history. The game seems a little incomplete, like it was rushed to be released, since the story is quite incoherent. Another point which reinforces that this is only played with the Decepticons in the first half of the story and then they are completely forgotten.
Campaign and multiplayer incomplete
The single player campaign is presented in 14 chapters, each with a few different Transformers for control. It is relatively short and does not have many extras that encourage the user to play it more than once. When combined with the failures already made history, the campaign suffers a lot.
In addition to it there is an online multiplayer mode (not present in the Wii U version), but it also seems incomplete. When the trailer announced the return of the Escalation mode, printing is that it would be one of the online multiplayer modes. However, this is the only multiplayer game. There is no fighting between players or matches between teams, capture the flag or any other way you'd expect.
The Escalation mode consists of a fun cooperative mode where up to four online friends need to equip and defend a base against hordes of enemies. This mode has more characters than the campaign and makes us wish they also had some use for the single player portion of the game.
Shooting, processing and pump
Just like Transformers: War for Cybertron and Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, Rise of the Dark Spark brings a solid and very reasonable gameplay. While you will have to seek shelter in the scenario and eliminate your enemies with gunfire as in most games, the mechanics Transformer adds a power differential turn a vehicle at any time, changing the dynamics of combat.
There is a large arsenal of weapons, light and heavy, but there is little sense of evolution between them. The weapons were clearly designed for a multiplayer mode, because all have advantages and disadvantages between them. Something that would bring balance to a multiplayer mode, the campaign ends leaving a feeling of lack of growth, because you never feel like you got a better weapon, just different.
You can feel the lack of a button to protect yourself behind objects in the style of Gears of War series, because you do not always get perfectly fit a giant robot behind an irregular obstacle in the scenario. This ends up being the best defensive attack, because trying to protect does not always work, leaving only the option to eliminate your enemies quickly, before they eliminate you.
At any time you can change the dynamic of the fight changing into a vehicle. You can quickly slide and shoot, becoming a harder target to hit. Sometimes it is even more advantageous to fight enemies in the vehicle mode than in robot form.
The changes, however, are around 1 second more time consuming than they should. This is curious; because the timing was perfect them in War for Cybertron. It was enough to turn in 1 second and you were already struggling as a car. In Rise of the Dark Spark seems that transformations take 2 seconds, this time more makes you prefer not to turn on the heat of combat.
Visual Quality
The game disappoints quite the visual sector, especially for being the third chapter in a trilogy. The texture quality varies greatly, but this is not done discreetly. Graphics are exchanged in front as if it were a snake shedding its skin. The same happens with the lighting, which casts a shadow sometimes and not others, depending on your will.
In the new generation consoles such as Xbox One and PlayStation 4 things are softer, but clearly beyond the capacity of the platforms. The extra power ends up being used to improve models of the robots, which earn a lot. The same can not be said for the scenery.
Beyond the technical, Rise of the Dark Spark also has the disadvantage of where they happen most of their battles. Cybertron is a completely technological planet, which means many cold and metallic colors, creating a stressful environment for the eyes. Parties on Earth are a little better aesthetically, but worse when we consider the coach.
The sound sector also presents no surprises, with uninteresting music and enemies that seem to have only one line, which they repeat ad nauseam. The voice acting of the main Transformers least maintains a good level of quality and we can always wait for the deep voice of Optimus Prime to set the tone of the adventure.
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark is a very weak third chapter to a trilogy that has had better titles as War for Cybertron. The short campaign with an inconsistent history combined with a lack of competitive online multiplayer modes in, turn the game into a bad acquisition.
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