Ether One – here is a list of unlockables / achievements that we can discover as we progress in the game:
Intelligent obstruction: Restored five projectors.
Concern: you hear all voice mail messages.
DEJA VU: You touched the bell in the Prologue the second time.
Defragmentation: Collect all fragments of memory.
Ether One complete walkthrough – PC/Mac
Genius: Restored 15 projectors.
Horder: Fill the shelves in the case.
Lucid: Restored 20 projectors.
Photography: You took each photograph Memory Core.
Rembrandt repairman: You changed the fuse in the House of Restoration 3.
Smarty Pants: 10 projectors have restored.
Restorative: Restored all plates.
If you know more tricks Ether One don’t hesitate to share with us.
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