Hearts of Iron 4 (HoI4): Cheat Codes and Console Commands

Hearts of Iron IV Console Commands and Cheats Guide (2025 Update)

Hearts of Iron IV (HoI4) by Paradox Interactive is a highly detailed and complex World War II strategy game. In HoI4, you take control of a nation during the 1936 or 1939 start dates and lead it through the turbulent years of global conflict. Whether you're aiming to dominate the globe or just experimenting with the game's mechanics, console commands and cheats can be a powerful tool. In this updated guide, we’ll cover all the essential cheats and console commands for the latest version of Hearts of Iron IV.

How to Open the Console in HoI4?

Before using any console commands or cheats, you'll need to open the in-game console. The method varies depending on your keyboard layout:

  • English Layout: Press ~ (tilde key) or Shift + 2.
  • German Layout: Press ^ (caret key).
  • French Layout: Press Shift + 3.
  • Other Layouts: You can also try ALT + 2 + 1 or Shift + 2 for some regions.

Once the console is open, simply type in the desired command and press Enter.

Common Resource and Gameplay Commands

These commands alter game resources, diplomacy, and other aspects of gameplay:

  • instantconstruction: Activates instant construction for buildings and units.
  • xp [amount]: Adds experience points to your Army, Navy, or Air Force. Example: xp 5000 grants 5,000 XP to all military branches.
  • add_diplo [amount]: Adds the specified amount of diplomatic points.
  • more_humans [amount]: Increases the number of available manpower.
  • pp [amount] or political_power [amount]: Adds political power (e.g., pp 500 adds 500 political power).
  • manpower [amount]: Adds the specified amount of manpower (e.g., manpower 100000).
  • add_opinion [country code]: Alters the opinion of another country towards you.
  • add_interest [country code]: Adds the specified country to your national focus area of interest.
  • add_core [province ID]: Adds the given province as a core.
  • remove_core [province ID]: Removes a core from a province.
  • remove_interest [country code]: Removes a country from your area of interest.
  • research [technology ID or "all"]: Instantly researches a specific technology or unlocks all technologies.
  • research_on_icon_click: Researches a technology immediately when clicking the icon in the tech tree.
  • reload_supply: Reloads the supply system and any active supply networks.
  • threat [amount]: Sets the threat level, useful for adjusting diplomatic tension.

Technology and UI Commands

These commands deal with the game’s interface and technical elements:

  • time: Displays the current in-game time.
  • version: Shows the current version of the game.
  • fullscreen: Toggles between fullscreen and windowed mode.
  • debug_zoom: Zooms in on the map.
  • savegame: Creates a new save file.
  • nextsong: Switches to the next song in the soundtrack.
  • nopausetext: Hides or shows the pause banner, useful for taking screenshots.
  • resign: Logs the player out of the current game session.
  • particle_editor: Opens the particle editor for advanced modding.
  • testtool: Opens the testing tool for modders.
  • massconquer: Enables the mass conquest tool for the player.

Debugging and Map Commands

These commands are useful for debugging, map visualization, and toggling certain game elements:

  • debug_tactics: Displays or hides tactical tooltips.
  • debug_show_event_ID: Shows the event ID in the tooltip.
  • debug_events: Starts a count of events that have been triggered.
  • debug_diploactions: Displays a count of diplomatic actions.
  • debug_terrain: Toggles terrain overlays on or off.
  • debug_water: Toggles water rendering.
  • debug_borders: Toggles borders visibility.
  • debug_trees: Displays or hides trees on the map.
  • debug_rivers: Shows or hides rivers on the map.
  • debug_sky: Displays or hides the sky layer.
  • debug_tooltip: Toggles the display of tooltips for map objects.
  • debug_nogui: Toggles the graphical user interface (GUI) on or off.
  • debug_lockcamera: Fixes the camera view, preventing movement.
  • debug_achievements_clear: Deletes all user statistics and achievements (useful for modding or testing).

AI and Diplomatic Commands

Hearts of Iron, HoI4, Cheat Codes, Console Commands
These commands control the behavior of the AI or allow you to manipulate diplomatic relations:

  • ai: Turns AI on or off for the game.
  • human_ai: Toggles AI control for human countries.
  • ai_invasion: Turns the fleet invasion AI on or off.
  • ai_accept: Toggles automatic acceptance of AI diplomatic actions (Yesman mode).
  • fow [province ID]: Toggles the fog of war for a specific province.
  • collision: Displays debug information about collisions in the game world.
  • mapnames: Displays the names of locations on the map.
  • traderoutes: Shows or hides trade routes.
  • fronts: Toggles the display of foreign fronts on the map.
  • nomapicons: Toggles the display of map icons.
  • poll: Retrieves a list of valid events.
  • winwars: Instantly wins all ongoing wars.
  • deleteallunits: Destroys all units of specified countries (e.g., deleteallunits GER deletes all German units).

Special Commands

These commands are for unique actions, including unit manipulation and event control:

  • teleport [unit ID] [province ID]: Teleports a unit to a specific province.
  • spawn [unit type] [province ID] [amount]: Spawns specified units in a province (e.g., spawn infantry 100 10).
  • moveunit [unit ID] [province ID]: Moves a specific unit to a desired province.
  • annex [country code]: Annexes the specified country (e.g., annex USA).
  • whitepeace [country codes]: Enforces a white peace between the listed countries (e.g., whitepeace GER USA).
  • debug_nuking: Enables the use of nuclear weapons without the usual prerequisites or limitations.
  • tag [country code]: Switches control to another country (e.g., tag USA).
  • instant_prepare: Instantly prepares a fleet invasion.
  • event [event ID] [country code]: Triggers a specific event.
  • testevent [event ID] [character ID]: Tests an event without fully triggering it.
  • weather: Toggles the simulation of weather effects on the game.
  • reloadweather: Generates random weather conditions for the current game.
  • setowner [country code] [state ID]: Changes the owner of a specified state.
  • setcontroller [country code] [province ID]: Changes control of a specified province.


Using console commands and cheats in Hearts of Iron IV can dramatically enhance your gameplay experience. Whether you're looking to experiment with the mechanics, debug a mod, or simply create chaos, the ability to manipulate the game's rules can provide endless entertainment. Remember that cheats can disable achievements and modify the course of your game, so use them wisely!

For the latest updates or additional mods and commands, it's always a good idea to check the Hearts of Iron IV community forums, Paradox Interactive’s patch notes, or modding resources. Happy strategizing!

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  1. The keybinds don't work. (I pirated the game, is that an issue?)

  2. how do i open console commands on mac?


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