Rush Wars: Level Up Fast and Farm XP - Guide

Gold farming is an important part of the Supercell’s latest mobile game Rush Wars, but having them without XP is bad. Therefore, we have compiled some useful tips to help you gain experience points.

- Our first tip to gain XP is to upgrade your units, the cards present in the Lab. However, this consumes a considerable amount of gold. (check out our guide on how to farm Gold fast in Rush Wars). But if you absolutely want to increase your XP, then this will be the best solution. At low level, you can gain up to 100 XP to upgrade rare or epic units.

- Our second tip is to hit as many mines as you can. A smashed mine gives a star, so XP. If you destroy the three mines often, you will quickly be able to get your experience with +3, +3 and +3.

Rush Wars, Level Up Fast, Farm XP Guide

As explained in our guide on optimizing your gold coins (which you can find above), it is sometimes wise to go all-in a gold mine to be certain of at least marking a star.

Note that your defense also earns you stars but it does not earn XP!
