"Safe House" was directed by Swedish filmmaker Daniel Espinosa and written by David Guggenheim and star Denzel Washington as Tobin Frost and Ryan Reynolds as Matt Weston. Denzel has been off the silver screen for a couple years. He seems to play the similar role repeatedly and he hasn't done much outside of that. With the release of this movie, we do get to see him take on an outstanding serious role, "Safe House" gives both Denzel and Ryan an opportunity to do something a bit different from what they're used to.
The film follows an ex- C.I.A. officer Tobin Frost, who went rogue years ago and is believed one of the best officers they've ever had. Tobin has been off the field since leaving, but has showed up lately and is being taken to one of C.I.A. safe houses that is being run by CIA agent Matt. After being detained Tobin there for a short time, the house is surprisingly attacked by a group of unknown people who want Tobin and what ever it is that he has. Tobin and Matt hardly escape with their lives, and now they are searching for the person who is behind this attack.
"Safe House" is backed by believable performances from both Denzel and Ryan, and the script is sharp enough to unify the plot exposition in trimly with the action. This film will give you some entertainment if you like the spying thriller genre, but don't expect anything more.
Universal Studios will release "Safe House" on DVD and Blu-ray on June 5, 2012, and the releases will contain bonus materials such as Making Safe House featurette, U-Control: Picture-in-Picture, Behind the Action featurette and more. The Home Videos are now available for pre-order on Amazon.com for a cheaper than the manufacturer's suggested retail prices.
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