In the next installment of the Watch Dogs game series, Watch Dogs 2, you step into the role of the protagonist Marcus Holloway. This intelligent guy with hacking ability was accused of a crime which he did not commit. Therefore, he raises the question of who actually pulls the strings of power in the world. After frustrating considerations he joined the hacker community DeadSec. His predecessor, Aiden Pearce, has hung the phone to your nail and you are experiencing a new adventure with Marcus.
New outfits options
With your protagonists, you can now find clothing stores, to distinguish him completely. Compared to its predecessor you have much more selection of garments in Watch Dogs 2. Pearce remained to his clothing style faithful while Marcus more likes a change between normality and concealment.
The new main character
Marcus Holloway is particularly distinguished by his intelligence. Although he is physically a serious protagonist, but his smartness is his strongest weapon. From a wrong experience he developed an immense Hacker knowledge.
His movements were taken using motion capture, making him look very natural and impressive. The story begins shortly after his accession to DeadSec and you begin your search for those responsible behind the big corporations. This gives Watch Dogs 2 a good grip on reality and experience with the hacker rebels both fun content and serious resistance against the powerful society.
San Francisco as the new venue
In Watch Dogs 2, you have a huge new game world to discover and conquer. Add to that its regions can also be explored. As in other games of Ubisoft, you can watch the real world based on many attractions, such recognize as the Golden Gate Bridge. The people interact in a special way with each other and a tangibility between pedestrians can sometimes have unforeseen presence of police will spring up to control.
The district has its own characteristics, to both in terms of buildings and people. The Open World allows you to explore directly at the start the whole city to you to play through the main and side missions. Among them are, for example, boat or drone races. So you can experience the freedom of a story, or follow the pre-history.
In the new installment of watch Dogs, now you have the opportunity to hack everything and everyone. Any person, vehicle, drones or even cranes can operate. For example: you are in a chase, you can hack other vehicles, so that they are pushing your followers from the street. Four different interaction possibilities in Hacker mode and Watch Dogs 2 promises more variety than its predecessor.
A special new feature is that you can now completely infiltrate through hacking. Have you dedicated this ability, Marcus does not even have to move from place to solve a problem, because he can manipulate everything. Here you have not only a smart phone available, but also a laptop. But of course you have still the ruthless method available and can shoot through.
There is evidence that you can very cleverly play off against each AI. Incited by warring factions successive hacks and there is a dispute. Besides, if you are lucky enough that civilians call the police, then you have three AI groups fight each other, and you can get the advantage of this.
Weapons and Skills
Although it is an important part of the game, it is less important than in other games. Nevertheless, Marcus performs occasionally footed somersaults over fences and barriers. The fighting introduces you to a new weapon. Marcus has built a slingshot weapon, which he can use for melee.
Also DeadSec has become advanced. Using 3D printers they produce weapons and provide you with important upgrades which you can receive by collecting materials. From pistols to rifles you have a wide arsenal in the game.
Holloway continues to use some toys, such as the RC jumper to gain an advantage. Many creative tools can be tinkered. If you help the hacker community for more power, they support you with more and more materials. Overall, you can upgrade 50 talents and you specialize in the following styles of play:
Ghost (Hacking, Melee)
Aggressor (Firearms)
Trickster (Manipulation of AI).
Multiplayer in Watch Dogs 2
You can participate in the meetings of other players and your friends can surprisingly show up in your game and help you. Using gesture you can also communicate with each other and so tactical roam San Francisco.
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