This is one of the most important augmentations in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. With your cybernetic arms you can improve your assaulting skills. You can also punch through walls and perfect weapons handling. Whether reload speed or precision, all the upgrades in this regard can be found in this category. With Arm Augmentations you have the following options:
Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis
- Provide strength and advanced combat skills.
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: Available from the start.
Punch Through Wall
- Allow the destruction easier and damaged walls.
- Power consumption: Medium
- Activation: set before the corresponding wall and press the indicated button.
- Cost: 1x practice
Instant Takedown
- Kill targets quickly in close combat or makes them unable to fight.
- Power consumption: Medium
- Activation: Come near to a destination and press the indicated button.
- Cost: Available from the start.
Optimized Musculature
- This upgrade allows the lifting and throwing heavy objects.
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: 1x practice
Load volume: 70 kg
- You can carry more objects in your inventory .
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: Available from the start.
Load volume: 90 kg
- You can carry even more objects in your inventory .
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: 1x practice
Load capacity: 110 kg
- You can carry even more objects in your inventory.
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: 1x practice
Cybernetic Weapon Handling
- This augmentation regulates and improve weapons handling .
- Power consumption: No
- Cost: Available from the start.
Standard Aim Stability
- Allow standard movements and control while aiming.
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: Available from the start.
Marksman Aim Stability
- This ability reduces the movement-induced crosshair delay slightly.
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: 1x practice
Sharpshooter (Sniper) Aim Stability
- This skill prevents movement-induced crosshair delay to a large extent.
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: 1x practice
Factory Recoil Compensation
- The cybernetic prosthetic arm granted a rebound damping by default .
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: Available from the start.
Drill Recoil Compensation
- Reduce the recoil slightly.
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: 1x practice
Field Recoil Compensation
- Reduce the recoil considerably.
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: 1x practice
Base Reload Speed Dexterity
- This skill is the standard charging time your arm prosthesis.
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: Available from the start.
Medium Reload Speed Dexterity
- Reduce weapons loading time.
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: 1x practice
High Reload Speed Dexterity
- Shorten weapons loading time considerably.
- Power consumption: No
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: 1x practice
PEPS (Experimental)
- With this augmentation you can fire off a shockwave and thus hurl objects on the ground.
- Power consumption: Medium
- Warning: Experimental augmentations enhance the overclocking.
- Cost: 2x practice
Throw Back
- Throws back fire a quick shot off the targets.
- Power consumption: Medium
- Activation: Open the augmentations and has the ability to a Slot (tap for activate) or activated directly.
- Cost: Available when buying PEPS
Precision Diode
- Stunned shockwave objectives with a concentrated PEPS .
- Power consumption: Medium
- Activation: Open the augmentations and has the ability to a Slot (tap for activate) or activated directly.
- Cost: 1x practice
Remote Hacking (Experimental)
- This allows augmentation hacking from a distance.
- Power consumption: Low
- Warning: Experimental augmentations enhance the overclocking.
- Cost: 2x practice
Environment Control
- You can ping and hack AI objects around.
- Power consumption: Low
- Activation: Places the crosshair over the mark of a hackable device and presses the button indicated.
- Cost: This skill is unlocked when you buy remote hacking.
Security control
- You can temporarily disable remotely robots, guns, and security cameras.
- Power consumption: Low
- Activation: Place the crosshair over the mark of a hackable device and presses the button indicated.
- Cost: 1x practice
Tesla (Experimental)
- This augmentation can incapacitate your targets with a noiseless power arc.
- Power consumption: ammunition / TESLA cartridge
- Warning: Experimental augmentations enhance the overclocking.
- Cost: 2x practice
Rapid Fire System
- This upgrade can focus on a single target.
- Power consumption: Ammunition
- Activation: Open the augmentations and has the ability to a Slot (tap for activate) or activated directly.
- Cost: If enabled with Tesla.
Upgrade Double Firearms
- This upgrade can simultaneously focus on two objectives.
- Power consumption: Ammunition
- Activation: keep to detecting multiple targets and release fire.
- Cost: 1x practice
Upgrade Quadruple Arc
- This upgrade can focus on four objectives simultaneously.
- Power consumption: Ammunition
- Activation: keep to detecting multiple targets and release fire.
- Cost: 1x practice
Upgrade Bow Range
- Distance, can doubled the Tesla target detect.
- Power consumption: Ammunition
- Activation: automatically when unlocking.
- Cost: 1x practice
Nano Blade (Experimental)
- With this augmentation you can fire Nano blade as a projectile .
- Power consumption: ammunition / Nano Blades ammunition
- Warning: Experimental augmentations enhance the overclocking.
- Cost: 2x practice
Impact Speed Shot
- With this upgrade you can fire the Nano blade and thus to nail targets.
- Power consumption: Ammunition
- Activation: Open the augmentations and has the ability to a Slot (tap for activate) or activate directly.
- Cost: If activated with Nano blade.
Explosive Heat Blade
- This skill heated to the Nano blade. It is an explosive variant that explodes into smaller fragments.
- Power consumption: Ammunition
- Activation: Open the augmentations and has the ability to a Slot (tap for activate) or activated directly.
- Cost: 1x practice
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