Punch Club all Flower Locations guide

In Punch Club, amidst the training montages, shady deals, and brutal fights, there's a softer side quest: winning the heart of Roy's sister, Adrian. By finding six specific flowers for her, you'll not only gain her affection but also unlock a valuable bonus that significantly impacts your training regime. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough of each flower's location.

Why Bother Finding the Flowers?

Securing Adrian's "love" grants you a significant advantage: four days of boosted training. During this period, your character experiences reduced fatigue and hunger. This translates to more efficient training sessions, less time spent eating, and a significant saving on food costs. In a game where resource management is crucial, these four days can make a huge difference in your progress.

Flower Locations: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here's a breakdown of where to find all six flowers, complete with clear descriptions to ensure you don't miss any:

  1. The Home Garden: This is the easiest flower to find. It's located in the small garden area outside Roy and Adrian's house. Look for a circular flower bed to the left of the entrance. The purple flower you need is nestled within.

  2. The Café: Head to the local café. Once inside, shift your focus to the top-left corner of the screen. The flower is positioned between two patrons and the refrigerators, near the back wall.

  3. Mick's Office: Visit Mick in his office. The flower is located directly behind him, on a surface near his desk. It’s easily visible once you enter the room.

  4. Your Kitchen: This flower is conveniently located in your own house. Go to the kitchen area and look at the counter. The flower should be clearly visible there.

  5. The Abandoned Warehouse: Make your way to the abandoned warehouse. As you enter, immediately look to your right. The flower is situated near the entrance, on the right-hand side.

  6. The Bar (Tyler's Fight Club): The final flower is found at the bar where you participate in Tyler's street fights. It's located to the left of the entrance, resting on a trash can.

Tips for Finding the Flowers:

  • Explore thoroughly: While the descriptions are detailed, take your time to explore each location. The flowers are generally small and can be easily missed if you rush through the areas.
  • Check each location methodically: Systematically scan each area mentioned in the guide. Don’t just glance around; actively look for the flowers in the specified spots.
  • Progressing the Story: Some areas might not be accessible until you've progressed a certain amount in the main storyline. If you can't find a flower, continue playing the game and return to the location later.


Finding all six flowers for Adrian is a worthwhile endeavor in Punch Club. The resulting training bonus significantly streamlines your progress, saving you valuable time and resources. By following this comprehensive guide, you'll have no trouble locating each flower and securing Adrian's affection, granting you a valuable edge in your quest to become the ultimate fighter.

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